N P K Consortia Organic Manure


  • Agro

It helps to restore the fertility status of soil, which is lost because of the immense use of chemicals, It is a combination of three different units of Biofertilizers viz N,P, and K.

It helps to restore the fertility status of soil, which is lost because of the immense use of chemicals, It is a combination of three different units of Biofertilizers viz N,P, and K.

N: It is a liquid bio-fertilizer containing Azaotobacter Sp. That fixes the atmospheric nitrogen non- symbiotically into the soil and makes it available for plants. It also associates and colonizes on both exterior and interior shoot sand roots. This improves seed germination and plant growth.

P: It is a phosphate soluble bio-fertilizer. P helps in dissolving insoluble phosphate and makes it biologically available for plants. It helps to reduce the usage of chemical phosphate fertilizers and improves the soil texture.

K: K contains potash dissolving bacteria, which dissolve insoluble inorganic potash and makes it available for plants insoluble form.


  • P.K. increases the Yield of the crop.
  • It also restores the natural fertility of the soil.
  • It solubilizes silica and makes it available to plants.
  • It increases the density of roots hence the result of good absorption of nutrients.
  • Even if the dose of PSB is used in quantity it does not damage the crop or quality and soil.



  • 1 lit N.P.K. can be mixed with 200 lits of water can be given to plants near to roots.
  • can be mixed uniformly with the seed/seedlings gently with the minimum amount of water taking care to avoid damage to the seed coat. Lt the seed/seedlings dry over a clean surface and sow immediately.
  • For transplanted crops, mix Bhusanjivak N.P.K. in the bucket of water and mix properly. Let the root dip in this and for 10 min transplant usual.

1 Ltr.